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💉Tweak-ments #1

A mini review of four writers' Instagram bios

Welcome to the first 💉TWEAK-MENTS episode where I walk you through some real Instagram accounts to show you how you can use some of the most under-rated ‘real estate’ on your Instagram account.

HUGE thanks goes to

, , , and for being my first volunteers 🙌🏼

Please bear in mind that this is the first time I’ve recorded this in this way so it’s a little rough around the edges, (for example, I didn’t realise Zoom would automatically add me into the corner of the recording so I used the pop up tool which is laggy AF 🤬🙈 AND if my big, laggy, blurry face in the first couple of minutes is too annoying for you then feel free to skip forward to 2mins30secs when I start talking about Kelly’s account). Call this a practise run and it will be much smoother next time!

Besides, given how often I say ‘Showing Up is Better Than Perfection’ when it comes to using Instagram for promotional purposes, it feels entirely apt that I model scandalous levels of imperfection myself… (she says, fighting the urge to re-record 😬).

So, why am I talking about this…?

Imagine a typical journey that a new potential audience member might have been on in order to land on your page:

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Too Much by Nicola Washington
💡TooMuch Instagram Members💡
Demystifying Instagram for writers so you can find your readers and market your work without it taking over your life, or getting in the way of your writing. Pinned to the top is what is COMING UP in the TMI membership 💃🏻